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Gold Rush 2017 results

So Planet Arkadia has just concluded their last leg of the long Gold Rush event that actually started back in November 2016. It has been quite a journey, many things have happened since it started, including many other events on other planets. I have changed my setup drastically since, including sale of modfap and upgrade to TR6 from IMK2 along with few other things. But none the less its been good times. First when A-Team launched this event everyone was ecstatic, just to find out that prizes are not really what we have been hoping for, sorry A-Team thumbs down for that. Prizes are cool of-course, armor and the platings are sweet, abundance of Oratan Axe pets and Land plots that don't even exist (!!!) . Was that an event to go all out and be on the edge when participating - certainly not, but it had its pro's too. While loot is nothing special on Ark events, repeatable mission reward is very very nice touch and definitely a big + in "go" section of "GO or NO GO" list. Unfortunately I did not count how many times I did repeatable mission, but it was many for sure, I really did enjoy that. But main reason for me to go to Ark events was stable tt loot and super easy casual grinding. I did try (for some weird reason) to go all out dps on 1st and 2nd leg of the event, but that showed me a combined 4.2k ped tt loss. Rest of the events I did casual eco grind just for loot and mission rewards. I think I won 3rd place in 3rd and 4th event in category 2, later switching to category 3, where I did not manage to place in scoreboard, however last event results have not been announced yet. All through the event I used a number of weapons ( for those who might be interested) - ModMerc, CDF 1000, IMK2, Augmented EP-53, Mayhem Heliotrope and of-course my new baby - Perfected TR6. Results were nice all through - 6/7 stages I manage to tt profit. 2/7 stages I did full DPS. Cycled total of 370k peds with a total return of 388k peds, which puts me at ~105% tt return for the whole event.

A conclusion - great event-ish. It is not really an event in the sense of competitiveness, more like a gathering really. Will I participate next time? Well, yes, I will come to check it out, but to participate it has to be lots more motivating. Layout is definitely very appealing, side missions for skills that are repeatable with enticing rewards are definitely interesting. And of-course the skill pills, yes those are nice, Very hard to acquire otherwise unless you love visiting web-shop. Already awaiting whats up under A-Teams sleeves for this summer. Have a good time everyone and thanks for reading.

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